Saturday, March 07, 2009

We got a new red couch for our apartment despite Philip's concern that an average sized couch would leave no room for his trains.

It turns out there is room for a new couch AND Philip's train set. And as Philip accurately observed while eating beet salad on the new red couch: red is the perfect color because you can eat things like beets and drink red wine on a red couch without the fear of making an obvious stain! The added bonus is that we now have somewhere for people to sit when they come visit. -Rachel


Donnie said...

Sitting is good. Hurray!

Noah said...

I think Encyclopidia Brown once solved a case based on the contrary. Red wine or beet juice would leave a dark stain on the couch.

Donnie said...

A literary allusion on the family blog! I like that.

BRFvolpe said...

AND it keeps Schrutte Farms in business.